Grace Lau

Grace Lau, photographer/writer, lecturer.
MA from London College of Communications.
Author of “Adults in Wonderland” (Serpents Tail, 1997); “Picturing the Chinese” (Joint Publishing, Hong Kong, 2008)
Work in collection of National Portrait Gallery, Michael Wilson Photography, David and Sarah Kowitz.
Exhibitions include: Photofusion London, Tate Britain, Aberythswyth University Art Gallery, Museum of Brighton, Hastings Museum.

Co-chair of PhotoHastings, biennale photography festival in Hastings since 2010.
Funded by the Arts Council, PH seeks to broaden the culture of photography in the South East, through quality exhibitions, talks, workshops, and community participation.

My work involves research and exploration into cultural issues around race, sexuality/gender, death/decay and the shifting nature of contemporary image-making. From documentary photography to elaborate theatrical staging, I make work that provokes thought and questions, images that can be considered subversive. I believe that photography cannot tell the truth. Every image has been constructed, somewhere along the process of making it.

Installation shot, EDGE 2014

21st Century Types