Lucinda Wells

Lucinda Wells has an MA in Photography and a BA (Hons) Fine Art. She is an artist, educator and facilitator. For the past five years she has been Subject Leader developing an HND in Photography at Sussex Coast College Hastings with her team (Alex Brattell and Nigel Green, PhD).  Before SCCH she spent seven years as Senior Lecturer in Photography and Video at De Montfort University, Leicester.

Winner of the Oxford Brookes Memorial Prize, shortlisted for the Jerwood Photography Award
and selected for the East Sussex Open 2014 at Towner Art Gallery.  Her work has been screened at APT Gallery, Lux Gallery, Candid Projection Room, Harley Gallery, Hastings Museum and Art Gallery, Broadway Cinema, Electric Palace Cinema, Brighton Cinematheque, OX1 Festival and Wirksworth Festival and she has exhibited widely, receiving commissions for numerous projects and residencies in the UK with a broad variety of communities of all ages and abilities.

Mostly working experimentally with still and moving images to explore the most fundamental of intervals, The Gap: that one we perceive between us, between time and distance, beginnings and endings, waking and sleeping, birth and death. A meditator for more than 25 years, she is fascinated by 'The Theory of Everything' a scientific proposal that everything is a manifestation of one thing and the connectedness demonstrated by 'entanglement'.  She is interested in the potentialities of seeing that is a result of the act of looking and the subsequent ‘observer effect.’

Info: and

Observation 6 for EDGE 2014

Overlooking, 2015